British history

Gossip, scandal, wit and lots of bosom-heaving sex! Bridgerton has caused millions to flutter their lashes and swoon as it quickly soared its way into petticoats and hearts. Within the first 28 days of its release more than 82 million households had taken in the gloriously British romp, becoming Netflix’s most-watched show of time. Creator Shonda Rhimes (Grey’s Anatomy, Private Practice, Scandal) cleverly matched colour-blind casting with sumptuously colourful costumes to explore the saucy lives of a Regency era aristocratic cast of characters that defied the traditional period drama model.  Oscar Wilde tour guide Dan Vo watched the series with his history house expert spectacles on and spotted some of his favourite historical places and breathtaking country homes serving as the backdrop of this vivacious reimaged England. For example In London, there’s Ranger's House in Greenwich, serving as the home of Lady Bridgerton, her four sons (Anthony, Benedict, Colin, and Gregory), and her four daughters (Daphne, Eloise, Francesca, and Hyacinth) as well as the extravagant Syon House standing in for The Duke of Hastings' home. Read on to discover the rich history each of these places has and their real-life significance in Regency times.  

London's National Portrait Gallery has a great collection of portraits of famous and important people from British history.  If you ask the general public what that means, they would tell you it's a great place to see images of kings, queens, prime ministers, and other great people (mostly men). But actually, the National Portrait Gallery’s collection is much more fun than people realize.  It contains a lot of portraits of people with really entertaining stories, and these stories often revolve around the one thing that can make historical people seem really relatable:  love and sex.  And many of the most interesting stories are about *women*.

[* Purchase Tickets To the Scandals & Secrets Tours of the National Portrait Gallery of London *]

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